International Women's Day - Unite & Resist in New York, NY
Hello Marchers!
It’s your hosts Ev K and Evie J (and yes, we know it sounds ridiculous)! We first want to thank you so much for participating in the official 2025 International Womxns Day March! We are so excited to see you all on Saturday. A few things that we would like to discuss before this weekend. We are starting at 11AM sharp! We recommend getting to Washington Square a bit early. We will start at the east side of the park across from the statue, near the giant disco ball. We will first have opening remarks then go straight into speakers! Then we will march to union square guided by our banner. There will be photographers and the speeches WILL BE LIVESTREAMED. If you wish to not be photographed/ recognizable consider wearing a mask or bundling up in a scarf. Speaking of scarves, the weather is looking pretty nice but still cold, please prepare to bundle up and bring sunglasses! Please bring snacks, water and other necessities you believe you might need. We have also provided some chants in the bottom of this email so you can prepare before the march!
This is a peaceful protest. Consider protecting your data. Here is a post with some great tips!
As they try to erase National Women's Day from the Calendars we will demonstrate that they cannot silence us. This is a Womxn's (cis- and transgender) March and we are using this rally to stand in solidarity with our trans sisters. Our bodies are autonomous and we will not fit into any box. We are one, we are united, and we stand together.
- When Women's (Black/Immigrant/Gay/Trans/Human) Rights are under attack! What do we do? STAND UP FIGHT BACK
- Donald Trump Go Away! Racist, Sexist Anti-Gay
- They say no choice we say pro choice, Call: Pro Respond: Choice
- What do we want? WOMEN'S RIGHTS ! When do we want it? NOW! And if we don't get it? SHUT IT DOWN x2 (Repeat with Trans)
- Women's rights you cant take away, women will take back the day
- The people, united, will never be divided
- Love not hate makes America Great
- Call: My Body, Response: My Choice
- When Trans Rights are Under Attack, What do we do? STAND UP FIGHT BACK
- WOMEN GOT THE POWER (women got the power) POWER TO THE WOMEN(power to the women) STRONGER BY THE HOUR(stronger by the hour)
Starts on
Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 11:00 AM EST
Ends on
Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 1:00 PM EST
Washington Square Park
Washington Square
New York, NY, 10012
United States
Get Directions via Google Maps