International Women's Day - Unite & Resist in Midland, MI

📢  Protest/Rally
Join the Women of Michigan Action Network (WOMAN) and the Midland County Democratic Party for Unite & Resist!
Time Change! Now starting at 3 pm

What is this rally for? What isn't it for?! Our rights and our country are being threatened on every front: freedom of speech, freedom of the press, marriage equality, healthcare, the economy, reproductive freedom, a functioning government, and our right to live in a democracy, not a dictatorship!

Join us and a line up of speakers, including Congresswoman Kristen McDonald Rivet and Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum, as we unite for our country and resist the looming autocracy! Bring your signs, bring your neighbor, and bring your voice so Trump can hear us all the way to Mar-a-Lago! 

On International Women’s Day, we’re taking to the streets to fight back against the fascist takeover. Join us to defend our rights, our bodies, and our future! Contact [email protected] for more details. And look for updates on the speaker lineup as we get closer to the date. 
There is plenty of parking behind the courthouse, as well as downtown on Main Street. Please avoid parking near First United Methodist Church, as a funeral is taking place there at the same time as the rally. 
Starts on
Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 3:00 PM EST
Midland County Courthouse - front steps
301 West Main Street
Midland, MI, 48640
United States
Get Directions via Google Maps
