Women's Strike for Human Rights and Reproductive Freedom

Assembling a Peaceful Protest for:
Monday, June 24, 2022 (the date Roe vs Wade was overturned).
No work! Withhold your purchase power! Wear RED! RAIN OR SHINE!!
The Senate Republicans have just blocked:
The Right to Contraception Act on 6-6-2024!!!
If you don't think they will come after your rights to contraception-you are wrong!
We all thought that Roe vs. Wade couldn't be overturned; but here we are.
Today we stand UNITED in the Support for Women's Reproductive Freedom and Human Rights for All. Stand firm by supporting our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters and our Trans Community and Quality Men. Bring signs, flags, pink p**sy hats and bring your packed lunch and drinks. Picnic on the lawn-bring your own chairs.
Show up because the nation needs to hear us!
"Not the Church-Not the State-Women Must Decide Their Fate!!!"
**In the spirit of not buying any purchases, we have provided free coffee and breakfast items from The Village Perk Food Truck from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm.
Tipping would be appreciated.
Free: My Body My Choice Mini Flags for the first 100 RSVP's. Check in at the tent table-your name will be on our list.
Need to make a sign? We have a box of 50 corrugated plastic writeable signs with Permanent Markers for you!
Are you registered to vote? We have 50 free Voter Registration Forms and stamped envelopes! All you have to do is fill it out and pop it in the mail!
9:00 a.m. Introduction/General House Keeping/Capitol Ground Rules
Why We Are Here
Reproductive and Human Rights 101
Why We Wear Red Resource: (WomensStrike 2024)and MMIW
10:00 a.m. Abortion Banned States (Resource: Planned Parenthood)
Proposed Travel Bans and Proposed Laws
Guest Speaker: Rebecca Stengle-DeMaria, Maternal Fetal Medicine RN
Womens Personal Stories
11:00 a.m. Child Pregnancy, S.A., Marriage
"The Pattern" of Trauma
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00 p.m. The 4B Movement 101
The Corset Movement
2:00 p.m. Mom's Act proposed by Katie Britt (R-AL)
Project 2025
3:00 p.m. Pro-Womens Organizations
Pro-LGBTQIA Organizations
Women Paving the Way
Closing Remarks
4:00 p.m. March Closed.
4:00-5:00 March Clean Up.
Monday, June 24, 2022 (the date Roe vs Wade was overturned).
No work! Withhold your purchase power! Wear RED! RAIN OR SHINE!!
The Senate Republicans have just blocked:
The Right to Contraception Act on 6-6-2024!!!
If you don't think they will come after your rights to contraception-you are wrong!
We all thought that Roe vs. Wade couldn't be overturned; but here we are.
Today we stand UNITED in the Support for Women's Reproductive Freedom and Human Rights for All. Stand firm by supporting our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters and our Trans Community and Quality Men. Bring signs, flags, pink p**sy hats and bring your packed lunch and drinks. Picnic on the lawn-bring your own chairs.
Show up because the nation needs to hear us!
"Not the Church-Not the State-Women Must Decide Their Fate!!!"
**In the spirit of not buying any purchases, we have provided free coffee and breakfast items from The Village Perk Food Truck from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm.
Tipping would be appreciated.
Free: My Body My Choice Mini Flags for the first 100 RSVP's. Check in at the tent table-your name will be on our list.
Need to make a sign? We have a box of 50 corrugated plastic writeable signs with Permanent Markers for you!
Are you registered to vote? We have 50 free Voter Registration Forms and stamped envelopes! All you have to do is fill it out and pop it in the mail!
9:00 a.m. Introduction/General House Keeping/Capitol Ground Rules
Why We Are Here
Reproductive and Human Rights 101
Why We Wear Red Resource: (WomensStrike 2024)and MMIW
10:00 a.m. Abortion Banned States (Resource: Planned Parenthood)
Proposed Travel Bans and Proposed Laws
Guest Speaker: Rebecca Stengle-DeMaria, Maternal Fetal Medicine RN
Womens Personal Stories
11:00 a.m. Child Pregnancy, S.A., Marriage
"The Pattern" of Trauma
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00 p.m. The 4B Movement 101
The Corset Movement
2:00 p.m. Mom's Act proposed by Katie Britt (R-AL)
Project 2025
3:00 p.m. Pro-Womens Organizations
Pro-LGBTQIA Organizations
Women Paving the Way
Closing Remarks
4:00 p.m. March Closed.
4:00-5:00 March Clean Up.
Starts on
Monday, June 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM PDT
Ends on
Monday, June 24, 2024 at 5:00 PM PDT
Washington State Capitol Building
416 Sid Snyder Ave.
Olympia, WA, 98504
United States
Get Directions via Google Maps