Good Morning Tucson. This week has been so heavy for our community. As I have watched us come together to support our University of Arizona Faculty and Students in the wake of unthinkable tragedy, I have been reminded again that in unity, there is strength. It is that unified spirit that I hope we can carry into this weekend. There is just so much at stake in this election, we must stand as One.

In just 24 hours, we are going to join together to PAINT BROADWAY BLUE.

The Plan: WEAR BLUE. Beginning at 10 am, we will gather on the northside of Broadway Boulevard from Houghton to Euclid, and on Congress from 4th Avenue to I-10. A camera crew will be driving the length of the route beginning at Houghton. You are free to demonstrate as long as you are able, but we expect the filming will be completed by noon.

What to Bring:
SIGNS! There is a sign making party TODAY at Pima County Democratic HQ from 1-4pm. You can register for that here:

WATER. We have community partners and volunteers who will have some water at major intersections but in Arizona, it is always wise to bring extra water.

A HAT AND SUNSCREEN. Our forecast for tomorrow morning is glorious, but even with the cooler temperatures, the sun will be beating down.

YOUR VOICE. We will have chant leaders helping to start a cadence, and we want to hear you, Tucson! Do you want to lead a chant but you don’t know what to say? One of our Women’s March Community Leaders wrote down a few ideas:

A CHAIR. We are using public sidewalks and we need to be mindful of accessibility for our community members who aren’t participating in our demonstration, but if you have concerns about standing for a long period of time, or if you need to bring a stroller for young children, please feel free to do that.

This event is different than any of the events we’ve held before, and that is intentional. We love our downtown events, but we realize that they aren’t always accessible for everyone to attend. This time around, we want to be unavoidable citywide. There are benefits to sign-holding along Broadway, like nearby parking and convenience stores, food options and BATHROOMS.

Be on the lookout for State and Local Candidates for political office! Your District Candidates will be out there with us. Take the opportunity to engage with them, ask them the questions you want to have answered, find out how you can get involved in their campaigns in this home-stretch to Election Day.

If you are comfortable, talk to the media who will be covering the event! In the past, Tucson Women’s March Organizers ended up doing most of the interviews at our rallies. But this is not about Tucson Women’s March, it is about every single person in our community who is impacted by unjust, archaic abortion bans and other policies which harm Arizonans. Tell the media why you are involved, why you are voting, and why you will keep advocating.

Last and most importantly, remember that engaging with counter-protestors in ANY WAY is not allowed. We have security standing by to handle any threats of bodily harm, but we must work together to de-escalate any situation where we become the subjects of vitriol from the people who oppose us. Remember, always, that their behavior is based in ignorance and fear and our power is in our LOVE. Besides, WE OUTNUMBER THEM. For more information on de-escalation and to review techniques, visit this website:

THANK YOU, TUCSON. We can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
Starts on
Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 10:00 AM MST
Broadway Boulevard Between Houghton and Euclid, Congress between 4th Avenue and I-10
5000 Broadway Blvd
Tucson, AZ, 85701
United States
Get Directions
